“When I first came to this group I had just been kicked out of my house that I had lived in for 8 years with my wife, our 5 year old daughter and 10 year old son. Since coming to this group I have learned a lot about what my feelings are and learned how to work through them and discuss them . I learned to react to them in a positive way. I am overwhelmed at the amount of support and encouragement received from not only the guys that come here but also the two counsellors who are amazing. This group is so beneficial to see how others are doing and really encouraging to see how others cope and the ways that work with similar problems to mine.”
“I am now happy to say that I have not smoked weed or drank alcohol in over 100 days and I owe this entirely to the support and encouragement of this group.”
“This group has made me a better father and husband and son to my parents and has even made me a better employee to my boss. I am very grateful for this group and thank you so much for putting it on. The people I have met here and the ideas and thoughts I have learned here will last a life time.”
-Anonymous, Men’s Drop-In Group